Child Development Amoung The Scheduled Tribes Of India

B. Dakshayani,M.R.Gangadhar

ISBN: 9789385161179, 9385161172

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Title: Child Development Amoung The Scheduled Tribes Of India

Author: B. Dakshayani,M.R.Gangadhar

ISBN 13: 9789385161179

ISBN 10: 9385161172

Year: 2016

Language: English

Pages etc.: 216page crown

This book attempt to fill the gap by explores the child-rearing practices and developmental status of children in (0 to 6 years of age group) selected tribal population of Mysore district, Karnataka. The book cognizance of the socio-demographic and living condition of the children, which influenced on the child rearing practices, physical, motor, cognitive, emotional, language, personal social and body measurement of children. The book develops five major themes 1. The belief, customs, rituals associated with pregnancy, lactation and child rearing. 2. The belief and practices associated with feeding of children. 3. The belief and practices associated with personal hygiene and health care of children. 4. The customs and role of parents in socialization of children. 5. The level of development under different faculties like; physical, motor, cognitive, emotional, language and personal social. The book will be useful for planners and policy makers of government setup, scholars and researchers in the field anthropology and child development.

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