D C. Nanjunda ; Dr. M.C. Smitha
ISBN: 9789385161742, 9385161741
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Author: D C. Nanjunda ; Dr. M.C. Smitha
ISBN 13: 9789385161742
ISBN 10: 9385161741
Year: 2018
Language: English
Pages etc.: 400page crown
It is quite evident that India's healthcare system is one of the most expensive and mostly spending on private healthcare system. Some time when government needs money desperately and ultimately the health budgets suffer. Experts felt In India ever increasing defense spending is always inversely proportional to health care spending. Since last few decades the public health budget has continually shrunk due various reasons. The World Bank (2001) and the National Commission on Macroeconomics in Health have specifically suggested harnessing public and private sectors collaborations in health sector for more accessible and affordable health care . The eleventh Five-Year Plan envisioned in detail the need for private sector participation in the delivery of health services for inclusive health care for the most disadvantaged sections of the society. Also Not-for-profit organizations have done special and remarkable work in health sector where Govt. could not reach so far. Still they need to work as a stronger pressure group in the country to bring more innovative health policies. This book will be useful for the researcher's public health specialist's, NGOs and the faculty members.
Dr. D.C. Nanjunda is currently associated with Social Exclusion Research Centre, Mysore University, India. He has Done Ph.D. in Anthropology form Mysore. He is the author of over Eight dozen of research papers including edited and authored books. He is having few years of research experience in various public health issues. He is a member of the editorial board of few professional journals. He has been awarded little prestigious fellowship to his credit. His research areas are Applied and Clinical Sociology, Development Anthropology, Public Health, Rural and Tribal Issues and Policy Studies.
DrSmitha M C is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Community Medicine, JSS Medical College, Mysuru, Karnataka, India. She did her MBBS and Post Graduation in Community Medicine at JSS Medical College (RGUHS) and JSS Medical College and University respectively. She is consistently involved in research and her specific interests are in the field of Child and Adolescent Health. She has published several research papers in various reputed journals and involved in various research projects also.
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