Early Bengal Oil Painting

Dr. Khokon Raut

ISBN: 9789391685027, 9391685021

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Title: Early Bengal Oil Painting

Author: Dr. Khokon Raut

ISBN 13: 9789391685027

ISBN 10: 9391685021

Year: 2023

Language: English

Pages etc.: 142page crown

About the Book The Early Bengal Oil Painting flourished in the trading centers of Chandannagar, Chinsura, Kolkata, Nasipur and others. These places had both European settlements as well as congregation of Jaminders who traded with these Europeans. Before the advent of the British, the French had settled in Chandannagar and Chinsura had Dutch settlements. The Jaminders, influenced by European oil paintings patronized Early Bengal Oil Painting to decorate their residences and highlight their status in society. As they preferred traditional Indian theme, the Jaminders relied more on the Indian painters who included Darbari artists, local sutradhar, folk artists and patuas to execute their paintings utilizing the western medium of oil paint. Being not proficient with the techniques of oil medium, a unique style of execution developed. Moreover the traditional miniature style, Rajasthani influences and folk traditions reflected in the paintings. The Early Bengal Oil Paintings were executed between mid-18th century to late 19th century. So the paintings are now 150 to 200 years old. Natural signs of decay are evident in the paintings. The book has looked into the various aspects of technical, methodical and materials utilized in Early Bengal Oil Paintings. The various problems of Early Bengal Oil Painting in present condition are identified, like over paint, unethical restoration etc. Hence proper awareness about scientific techniques of conservation and restoration is necessary to save the paintings and related heritage for posterity. With the decline of the Jaminders (late 19th century) and change in socio-economic condition of the society this school of art lost its patronage. Hence the art declined. Besides Prints becoming available of the mythological subjects there was a decline in Early Bengal Oil Painting. Simultaneously Art colleges were established and changed the scenario. As they were private collections so no historical documentation was done.

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