ISBN: 9788193513934, 8193513932
Sale Price: INR 1100.00
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ISBN 13: 9788193513934
ISBN 10: 8193513932
Year: 2019
Language: English
Pages etc.: 192Page CROWN
D.C. Nanjunda is currently serving as Asso. Prof cum
Acting Director of CSSEIP Research Centre, Mysore University, India. He has
Done Ph.D., and D.Litt in Sociology, He is the author of over Twelve dozen of
research papers in journals including some edited and authored books. He is
having few years of research experience in various public health issues. He is
a member of the editorial board of few professional journals. He has been
awarded little prestigious fellowship to his credit. His research areas are
Applied and Clinical Sociology, Development Anthropology, Public Health and
Kannada literature.
M.K. Shalini is
currently working as an Asst. Professor, in the department of in Computer Science,
Sheshadripuram First Grade College, Mysuru. Also she is co-coordinator of
IT club and Dr. B R Ambedkar study centre in the same college. She has
done post graduation degree in Computer Science and M.Tech in Computer
Cognition and Technology from University of Mysore. She has published research
papers in various journals and also presented papers in various academic
seminars. She is also serving as editorial board member
of few reputed professional journals. Her research areas are Computer sciences,
Technology and Society and Gender issues .
in India is new concept swept away with new wave of
inspiration in the business sector. The Make in India program was kicked off
in September 2014. It is a national program designed for India to make it into
a global manufacturing hub and transforming it into a vibrant economy. The
major objective behind the initiative is to focus on the 25 sectors of the
economy for job creation and skill enhancement. The assignment is to
manufacture in India and sell the products worldwide. It
is vital to explore transformation due to
Digitalization and Make in India in different public and private sectors
including some key sectors focused upon are: automobiles,
chemicals, IT, pharmaceuticals, textiles, ports, aviation, leather, tourism and
hospitality, wellness, railways, design manufacturing, renewable energy,
mining, bio-technology and electronics. The
aim of this edited book envision the role and integration of
Digital technologies and Make in India approaches in transforming India into
knowledge based society and strong economy for
inclusive growth and To elaborate the impact of Digital
India and Make in India movement in enhancing skilled employability and
entrepreneurial ventures in India for inclusive growth
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