Excavation In Chhattisgarh
A.K.Pradhan & Shiva Kant Bajpay
ISBN: 9789385161063, 9385161067
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Title: Excavation In Chhattisgarh
Author: A.K.Pradhan & Shiva Kant Bajpay
ISBN 13: 9789385161063
ISBN 10: 9385161067
Year: 2015
Language: English
Pages etc.: 218page crown
This book contains the
result of archaeological excavations conducted in Chhattisgarh. It deals about
the important antiquities, cultural sequence and their critical analysis which
are retrieved from the excavations. In this book an attempt has been made to
produce line drawings and photographs of major antiquities and structural
remains. The contents in this book have been classified into five chapters
which deal Geographical Background, Historical Geography, Historical
Background, Excavated Sites and Excavations in Chhattisgarh: At a Glance. The
book will be helpful to the research scholars, teachers and students of
archaeology and history of university and college level. For the general
readers, who are not familiar with this subject, this book will, no doubt,
provide an idea about the archaeological activities in Chhattisgarh.
Dr. Atula Kumar Pradhan was graduated from the Utkal
University and did his M.A. in Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology
in the same university of Bhubaneswar. He obtained his degree of Doctor of
Philosophy from Utkal Univeristy,
Bhubaneswar and PGDA from Institute of Archaeology, Archaeological Survey of
India. His Ph.d is on Maritime Traditions of Odisha: An Archaeological Study (From earliest times to
13th C.A.D). He participated in the explorations at Brahmani
Valley (Odisha), Chaturbhunath
nala (Mandasur, M.P.) Malaprabha river
(Karnataka) and Haup river valley (Chhattisgarh).
He actively participated in the excavation works at Kayama, Deuli,
Radhanagar (Odisha), Harappan site Bhirrana (Haryana)
and Pachrahi,Tarighat and Damru (Chhattisgarh).
He published three books and more than fifty
articles in various national and international journals. He edited various
journals and proceedings. He attended various national and international
seminars and workshops. He visited Srilanka, Tibet,
and Nepal in course of his research work. He delivered lectures on archaeology
in various universities and institutions. He is the life member of various
historical and archaeological societies i.e. Indian Archaeological Society,
Centre of Research and Training in History, Archaeology and Palaeo
Environment (New Delhi) Rock Art Society of India (Agra), Indian History
Congress, (Delhi), Orissa History Congress (Bhubaneswar), Art History of
Congress (Assam), Andhra Pradesh History Congress, Indian Numismatic Society (Banaras),
Indian Society of Buddhist Study (Jammu) and Indian Epigraphical
Society (Maysore) etc. Now he is working in
Directorate of Culture and Archaeology, Government of Chhattisgarh, Raipur.
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