Towards Inclusive Growth,Between Equity and Development


ISBN: 9789385161438, 9385161431

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Title: Towards Inclusive Growth,Between Equity and Development

Author: Dr.D.C.Nanjunda,Prof.B.M.Arvin

ISBN 13: 9789385161438

ISBN 10: 9385161431

Year: 2017

Language: English

Pages etc.: 359page crown

Inclusive growth is a not new term in social sciences. Inclusive growth is not just about individuals at a micro level. At a macro level, it is about sectors and regions too. The Government of India declared the year 2001 as the year of 'new growth and development' but the way to reach this stage has been long and difficult. Absence of inclusive growth can lead to uneven development in sectors and regions of an economy since economic growth can act as a launch pad for significant development in only some sectors and regions. This could trigger considerable social disturbance with multifaceted issues that have to be addressed. Key challenges for the government would be to improve the living standards of poorer citizens in the deprived sectors and regions. However, such measures require sacrifices since reallocation of limited funds would be required. This book is useful for academicians, policymakers, NGO and general public .

Dr. D.C. Nanjunda is currently associated with UGC-CSSEIP Research Centre, Mysore University, India. He has Done Ph.D. in Anthropology form Mysore University. He is the author of over Eight dozen of research papers including edited and authored books. He is having few years of research experience in various public health issues. He is a member of the editorial board of eight professional journals. He has been awarded few prestigious fellowship to his credit. His research areas are Applied and Clinical Sociology, Development Anthropology, Public Health, Rural and Tribal Issues and Policy Studies.

Prof. Mak Arvin (Trent University-Canada) has degrees from University of London, Oxford University, and Queen's University. He is a full Professor of Economics at Trent University, Canada, where he has been a faculty member for 30 years. He is the author of over 150 research papers and few books including the Handbook on the Economics of Foreign Aid, published by Edward Elgar in 2015 (with Byron Lew). He is a member of the editorial board of eight professional journals. Arvin is also the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Happiness and Development. He has been a Visiting Professor to Boston College and a Consultant to IFO Institute for Economic Research, Germany. His research focuses on applied micro and macro-economics, labour economics, development economics, foreign aid and the economics of growth.


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