Indian Seed Industry from Green Revolution to Gene Revolution

Dr. Sarvesh Kumar

ISBN: 9789391642174, 9391642179

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Title: Indian Seed Industry from Green Revolution to Gene Revolution

Author: Dr. Sarvesh Kumar

ISBN 13: 9789391642174

ISBN 10: 9391642179

Year: 2024

Language: English

Pages etc.: 354page crown

About the book The book titled “Indian Seed Industry from Green revolution to gene revolutions” has been a seminal contribution highlighting the metamorphosis from hybrid seed technology from the era of green revolution to genetically modified crop like ‘Bt. cotton’ seed. A multi-disciplinary approach from the field of technology management, new product development, strategic management in general and the seed industry in particular is evolving this book. The book explores the way of integrating management discipline with the biotechnology by bringing down an ongoing technology based phenomenon which is reshaping the Indian Seed Industry by introducing new product choice like genetically modified crop. It gives the broad introduction and outline of the growth and development of Indian seed industry, present state of public and private sector, and an outline of the business environment scenario and changing trends. The legal aspect of Plant Breeders’ Rights, Plant Variety Protection Act and Farmers Rights with respect to the Indian farmers and Indian seed sector along with the R&D commercialization and its influence in agricultural sector and its manifestation in seed industry. The trans-discipline diffusion of Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Environment and techno-economic related aspects are dealt in this book. This book is useful for PhD scholars in the fields of management, agriculture and biotechnology, MBA, MSc Agriculture & MSc Biotechnology and BSc Agriculture and BSc Biotechnology students.

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